Faculty Resources
UNC Charlotte knows that in order to ensure success for our students and the institution as a whole, its faculty must have ongoing support as well as developmental opportunities. That is why we are proud to offer numerous programs and departments whose sole focus is to improve faculty teaching methods and opportunities as well as make their classrooms more effective and engaging. In addition to development, we believe it is just as important that you know where to find a desperately needed cup of coffee or other equally pertinant non-academic information. All of this and more can be found on this page.
Employment and Development
On the Human Resources website, you will find valuable information regarding current employment opportunities, benefit options, training opportunities, personnel policies/procedures, and other helpful resources to support you in your role(s) as a current employee and/or supervisor, or in support of your prospective employment with the University and the State of North Carolina. Our goal is to ensure all information is both readily accessible and understandable.

Adjunct Faculty Learning Community
A Faculty Learning Community (FLC) is a proven approach to building community and supporting adjunct faculty. An FLC is a form of professional development that brings together a small group of cross-disciplinary faculty members to engage over a period of time in an active and collaborative program that strives to enhance teaching and learning as well as build a sense of community (Cox, 2004). Participants enjoy the following:
- Monthly face-to-face meetings during Fall which will transition to virtual meetings via Moodle during Spring.
- $500 stipend
- Meetings will focus on instruction and pedagogy with exact topics chosen by FLC members.
- Meetings will be facilitated by Dr. Kim Buch, Faculty Fellow and 2013 Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence recipient.
- Several instructional and professional development materials including a free copy of A Handbook for Adjunct Faculty and Teachers of Adults.
IT Service Desk
The IT Service Desk‘s goal is to help faculty, staff, and students use the technology provided by UNC Charlotte. Support is available via phone and online. You may contact the Service Desk by:
- Calling 704-687-5500 (or 7-5500 from a campus phone)
- Using your NinerNET credentials, log in to HelpDesk Online to request assistance by submitting a ticket
Click here for more information.
ADVANCE: Faculty Affairs and Diversity Office
The UNC Charlotte ADVANCE Faculty Affairs and Diversity Office was originally funded through a National Science Foundation Institutional Transformation Award in 2006. The goal of the office was to increase the representation and advancement of women faculty in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math disciplines. It has since been institutionalized with its mission expanded to facilitate the development of all faculty by incorporation of diversity and inclusion. The ADVANCE website has a wide array of resources for new and developing faculty as well as leadership and mentoring opportunities.
Assessment and Accreditation
The mission of the Office of Assessment and Accreditation is to support the assessment and professional development needs of the University community. Two of their major objectives include:
- Encouraging the adaptation of best practices in assessment
- Form collaborations by offering consultations and workshops on best practices in assessment
- Tell the story of student learning by triangulating multiple measures for institutional level and general education level outcomes data
- Fostering connections between assessment staff and the campus community
- Use the Faculty Showcase to create faculty-to-faculty relationships, educational opportunities, and classroom learning models
- Support faculty in classroom research through Scholarship of Assessment Grants
Center for Teaching and Learning
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) enhances the University’s mission of teaching and learning excellence, provides enterprise level instructional technologies, and champions the advancement of scholarly teaching. Major priorities include:
- Providing professional development opportunities to ensure constructive and active learning environments.
- Leveraging the experience and wisdom of faculty leaders to promote teaching excellence.
- Encouraging innovative research and scholarly publication on teaching and learning.
- Identifying, developing, and sustaining enterprise level instructional technology systems.
- Collaborating with campus constituents to assess programs, tools, and services that support their teaching and learning needs.
- Contributing to the development of policies, initiatives, and campus-wide culture that supports excellence in teaching.
Check out their website to learn more about the services offered, how to sign up for workshops, and what else the CTL can do to help make you a better instructor!
Canvas is UNC Charlotte’s new Learning Management System (LMS) and can be as diverse or simplistic in use as you’d like. Some faculty may choose to only use Canvas for posting grades and listing the semester’s reading list. Others may opt for a more interactive set up with quizzes, videos, animations, the options go on and on. The Center for Teaching and Learning is available to help with any and all Canvas related questions and also have regular workshops to assist you as well.
Connect is an academic early alert and advising connect software system. It allows instructors to send systematic notifications to students regarding their academic progress in their courses referred to as flags, kudos, and referrals. Academic advisors are able to access this information to better connect with students, and use the system for maintaining advising notes. Students use the online system to conveniently make appointments with their academic advisor, instructor, and student support services such as tutoring and career advising.
Check out the University Advising Center’s website for more information about Connect, upcoming trainings, and a getting started guide.
Library Resources
The Atkins Library offers an incredible amount and variety of resources to assist both you and your students. Here is a brief overview of their services:
- Faculty and Staff Resources
- Cost saving options for faculty and students
- Course Reserves (electronic and print)
- eTextbooks
- Alternative textbooks
- Research support and data management
- Classroom development
- How-To Videos
Nourishment for the Mind and Body
UNC Charlotte’s campus boasts an incredible array of food and beverage options. For coffee lovers, there are two Peet’s locations as well as a Starbucks. And no matter where you are on campus, you are guaranteed to be within a quick walk to at least one dining option. The DineOnCampus website shows the location of all of campus’ food and beverage locations as well as links to the hours for each and menus so you can plan in advance!
On-Campus Fitness
Faculty and staff have membership options for those who may be interested. UREC members have access to a wide range of programs, services, and amenities.